Missed the AMA with the experienced user who has followed more than 30 traders?
Here is the recap of the session "Sharing Real-Life Copy Trading Experiences"
Telegram QA
🔔Q1: Could you give everyone a brief introduction to your copy trading experiences?
@跟單賺錢真君: I have copy traded with 30 traders and followed more than 50 traders. For now, I primarily copy the trades of profitable traders with stable performance, alongside some traders who have good potential.
🔔Q2. How do you decide if a trader has potential? Can you share any insights about it?
@跟單賺錢真君: First of all, you can use the filter on the copy trading page to filter all traders according to different metrics such as their account assets or ROI.
After finding a trader I'm interested in, I will look at some of the data on the trader's home page. For example, I prefer a risk score between 1-4, a monthly ROI higher than 20%, and a position margin greater than 30 USDT for isolated margin positions and more than 300 USDT for cross margin positions. If the trader has any forced liquidation record, I will reassess the risk of copying him or her. The PnL ratio is also important to look at, so you avoid traders that earn small on winning trades but lose big on a losing trade. The trader needs to have a Copier Profit higher than 10K USDT and more than 1,000 copiers. If the trader doesn't meet my requirements, I will first copy trade with VST or follow the trader's positions every day for a while before deciding whether or not to copy their trades.
🔔Q3. How do you determine the appropriate amount of funds to invest when copying traders? Any tips?
@跟單賺錢真君: Cryptocurrency trading in general is risky, so I recommend keeping the initial copy trading investment for one trader under 1K USDT. Furthermore, try to never let your investment exceed the amount the trader is trading with; the trick is to not get too greedy.
In cross-margin mode, you can invest 60-100% of the trader's margin depending on the trader's risk score, use the remaining fund as insurance, and add it to your copy trading funds if the trader performs well.
In isolated margin mode, it is necessary to know the leverage and the margin of the trader. If the leverage is 5X, consider copying the full amount of the trader's margin; if 10X, around 60-80% of the trader's margin, and if 20X, around 20-50%.
🔔Q4. What are the differences between copy by position and copy by a fixed margin?
@跟單賺錢真君: Copy by position mode means that the position ratio of copiers will be close to that of the trader. Copy by a fixed margin however relies on the copiers themselves to determine the copy trading amount for each order.
If we look at it from margin modes, copy by position is subject to the cross-margin mode, under which the probability of losing all funds is extremely low. On the contrary, copy by a fixed margin is in isolated margin mode, and if the leverage is too high, there is a higher risk of forced liquidation.
It's important to note that before using copy by position, you need to understand a bit about how the traders place their orders. If traders trade a large amount of cryptos that are less popular at one time, it can lead to slippage. In this scenario, the trader will be profitable but the copier may lose money
🔔Q5. Do you need to manage risk when copy trading? How do you do that?
@跟單賺錢真君: Whether you are trading manually or copy trading, it's always necessary to manage risks. When copying trading, be sure to know the status of your positions and close a position to take profits or stop losses when necessary. As for setting stop-loss, I usually look for a particular point at which I want to stop copying and set stop-loss. It's also important to take note of any copy trading instructions of the trader. If the trader has any special instructions, try to follow them as closely as possible if the risk involved is acceptable to you.
🔔Q6. Do you have any good advice for new copiers?
@跟單賺錢真君: For novice copiers, I suggest not closing positions without due cause, as we cannot understand the complete strategy of the trader. At the same time, invest 1% of the trader's margin with isolated margin mode. Being greedy doesn't pay.
If new copiers have any issues that they don't understand, they can go to the Copy Trading home page on the app and leave feedback or ask a question. They can also go to the trader's home page and ask the trader any questions they have. Asking questions is the best way to learn.
🔔Q7. Do you have any suggestions for the Copy Trading feature?
@跟單賺錢真君: Yes, I have already shared it with Ryan, and I've filled in some suggestions and feedback. One of the features that I have been thinking about recently is the trader level, which is convenient for us to better evaluate and understand traders. I heard that it will be launched soon, and I am really looking forward to it!
🎯Q1: How to effectively choose a trader?
@跟單賺錢真君: 先善用BingX提供的交易員篩選工具,再選擇適合自己交易風格的交易員
🎯Q2: 怎麼選擇靠譜的交易員呢?主要看什麼?
@跟單賺錢真君: 主要以收益率和風險為主,當然還有相當多的依據,比如說盈虧比,交易員本身資金的投入,這些都是很棒的依據
🎯Q3: If i put 100$ on copy trading am i profitable on that??
@跟單賺錢真君: 選對交易員,同時要清楚自己資金分配,比如說逐倉跟單的單筆跟隨,就很有機會獲利,比起這些,最重要的是隨時關注自己的倉位
🎯Q4: What is best indicator you use for the best entry
@跟單賺錢真君: 沒有甚麼最佳的指標,是要在通盤考量下決定,我們不能以單一指標作為入場時機
🎯Q5: Do you go by roi or profit or percent of right trades?
@跟單賺錢真君: 都有,每個數據都必須清楚知道,勝率低會讓跟單者懷疑每一倉是否會獲利,風險高回報率低會讓跟單者擔心是否有小賺大賠的可能性
🎯Q6: You have to know whether your copy trader is good in shorting or longing the market. Most are good in longs and are so bad when market is down that profits they earned are completely wiped out when market decides to go otherwise. Go to always test out in VST first but I lost a lot of money because they did well in VST but when I started using my USDT, not so. Practice risk management so they don’t wipe out all your money.
@跟單賺錢真君: 風險管理真的很重要,USDT建議從低本金開始跟,因為我們不能完美預測之後交易員是否會賠錢
🎯Q7: 真的不知道該如何選擇交易者 很多交易者只會做順風盤甚至是隻會做上漲盤 一遇到下殺跌勢就是賠一屁股 感覺跟單交易員全是做運氣的
@跟單賺錢真君: 也不能這樣說,他們有自己的市場觀點,只是很多交易員下倉方式像賭徒😂😂😂
🎯Q8: 很難 很少有交易員活半年的
@跟單賺錢真君: 哈哈,真的,就算活過半年也有出事的,最好的方法就是用最低本金跟單,獲利時,將本金取出,並使用獲利金額跟,這樣會安心些
🎯Q9: una duda, son 10 copias diarias ?
@跟單賺錢真君: 是的,逐倉跟單每天只能跟10單,超過十單系統不會自動跟隨
🎯Q10: I need to know how to find the right trader